Natasha Narayanan

Natasha Narayanan

Program Coordinator

Natasha Narayanan is the Program Coordinator for the Prison Education Project (PEP) at Washington University in St. Louis. Under the direction of the PEP director, she executes administrative policies and procedures for the PEP, assists in program development, faculty and student/alumni support, and grant management.

Gwen Smith

Gwen Smith

Reentry Case Manager

Gwen Smith is the Reentry Case Manager for the Prison Education Project (PEP) at Washington University in St. Louis. She works individually with currently and formerly incarcerated PEP students to develop and support their personalized reentry plans. Gwen coordinates with students’ internal case managers and parole officers and, after release, with the community parole officers in developing and supporting reentry plans. She also collaborates regularly with the Alumni Coordinator to provide resources and support to the PEP alumni peer network.